Python Projects

The below list of available python projects on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, OpenCV, Text Editior and Web applications. Software requirements are python programming, Anaconda , etc.
Latest Topics:
1.         Lyrics Scrapper from website
2.         Phishing website detection 
3.         Pneumonia detection using deep learning
4.         Customer Spending classification using K means clustering
5.         Titanic data clustering on survived data.
6.         Recipe Recommendation system using K means clustering
7.         Character detection from images using OCR
8.         Crude Oil Prediction using SVR & Linear Regression
9.         Face Recognition based Criminal Identification system
10.       Language Translator and converting voice to text
11.       Face detection based attendance system
12.       Automatic Land mark classification using Deep Learning
13.       Automatic Brand Logo detection using Deep learning
14.       Fake News Detection Using Naïve Bayes Classifier
Python Text Editor
1.         Number plate recognition using opencv
2.         Emotion based music player
3.         Detection of brand logos from given images
4.         Color recognition using neural networks for determining the ripeness of a banana
Machine Learning
1.         Vision Sentiment Analysis using googleapi cloud
2.         Sentiment Analysis
3.         Classification Of IRIS Flowers Using Scipy Library In Machine Learning
4.         Visualize Machine Learning Data Using Pandas
5.         A Framework for Analysis of Road Accidents
6.         Wal-Mart Sales Prediction
7.         Bigmart Sales Prediction
8.         IIT Paper Analysis
9.         Disease Prediction using machine learning
10.       Heart Disease Prediction
11.       Custom Digit Recognition
12.       Rain fall prediction using svm, Artificial neural network, liner regression models.
13.       Self Driving Car Simulation using AI
14.       Crop prediction using linear regression
15.       Automatic question and answer generation using NLP
16.       Vehicle counting for traffic management
1.         Python Image processing using opencv.
2.         Pedestrian detection
3.         Custom Digit Recognization
4.         Driver Drowsiness detection using opencv.
Web Applications
1.         Iris species predictor flask web app
2.         Medical data analysis using machine learning using flask webapp
3.         Youtube spam detection using flaskwebapp.
4.         Named Entity Recognition and sentiment analysis using flask webapp.
5.         Text summarizer and comparison using flaskwebapp.
6.         Gender classification based on name.
7.         Image encryption compression and decompression and decryption
8.         Data encryption using aes,des algorithms
9.         Toll gate management system
10.       Image stegnography using lsb algorithm
11.       Prediction house worth using machine learning
12.       Securing data using hybrid cryptography in cloud
13.       Evaluating Employee Attrition
14.       Improving security for login using two factor( password and QR code) method.
15.       Heart Disease Diagnosis based on symptoms
16.       Automation of test evaluation for objective and subjective tests
17.       Phishing website detection
18.       License Detection Using QR Code
19.       E Plastic
20.       Student Help desk
21.       E Waste
22.       Online Shopping
23.       E farming
24.       Visualizing Machine Learning Using Pandas
25.       Detecting Pneunomia using Machine Learning
26.       Two factor authentication using QR code APP for user login
27.       House Worth Prediction based on machine learning
28.       Water Marking Image
29.       Analysing and Detecting Money Laundering